Training Resources :-)

Finding the right training resources for you can be time-consuming. So, to save you trawling through countless debating blogs and pages in search of them, we have done the work for you. Below are 3 incredibly useful posts that debaters at all levels can learn from:


--> This post features general speaking tips and feedback from a well-versed judge. Recommendable for everyone, as it breaks down all aspects of a good speech and gives examples for each. Very readable!


--> A detailed DIY guide on honing your debating skills. Sets out manageable ways of mastering specific tactics. Although somewhat lengthy, the post is well worth a scan. It's explained in a really accessible style, and you can be selective about what you read - we'd suggest going for the areas you struggle with most, e.g. how to plan productively, or how to make better rebuttal.


--> For all you budding judges out there, take a look at this! This manual, created for the 2014 WUDC, contains loads of great advice on what a judge should (and should not) be looking for in debates. It's also worth checking out as a speaker, since knowing what judges value will help you tailor your technique.

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