Sponsorship Opportunities
President's Message
The LSE SU Debate Society is one of the oldest and most established societies at the LSE. Our society is among the most active on campus, with training for members twice a week, as well as campus-wide events, workshops, socials and competitions as well as an exciting series of public debates coming up this year.
Debating as an activity challenges students to think quickly and critically, applying their knowledge and creativity to propose and defend solutions to domestic and international problems. The level of competition we are party to presents a dynamic interplay between intelligent ideas and persuasive communication, all in an incredibly high pressure environment.
Our training programme is world-leading, as proven by our notable international successes. We want the opportunity to develop and expand our programme to target even more of the incredible potential at the LSE and in the surrounding student community.
Through the popular and competitive tournaments and events that we run throughout the year, we attract a notable and international turn out. As such, this could give your firm a unique opportunity to access some of the most talented graduates from across the globe, through both our membership list and our public events.
We rely on support in order to be able to deliver these opportunities to as many people as possible and are seeking to expand our reach and heighten our positive impact even further. Please find the details of the proposed sponsorship packages in addition to our contact information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Keshav Arvind, President 2019-2020
Check out out Sponsorship Prospectus 2019-20 Here: