A warm welcome to the London School of Economics Debating Society website! Whether you are a member, an avid debater from another institution, or merely curious about the debating world, we are glad you have found your way to our site.
The LSE SU Debating Society is the largest student debate society in London, and one of the oldest societies at LSE. We are proud to have been listed as the 12th best university worldwide for debating, and boast a membership of approximately 700 registered debaters.
All our debates and competitions are run British Parliamentary style - if you don't have experience with this format, or even with public speaking, it's no problem! We have practice sessions for novices every Tuesday, and more advanced sessions on Thursdays. We also compete regularly on behalf of our university at a national, European, and world level. The Society also organises more formal “show-debates” on current topics and we run a few of the largest debate competitions in England.
The LSE SU Debate Society gives its members the opportunity to meet people from all over the world in a stimulating intellectual environment. In and out of debates, it serves as a platform where different perspectives and ideas can be confronted and discussed.
Feel free to browse through our different pages. If the website does not have the information you are looking for, feel free to send us an email at lsedebate@gmail.com .