Meet our new Committee!
Meet your 2018-19 Committee!
Everyone in LSESU Debate Society would like to say a massive thank you to all of our outgoing committee members and welcome in our new ones! The year to come will see some of our biggest projects to date and we can't wait to see what the new committee do.
Ciara Mitchell - President
Ciara is from Scotland and moved to London to study for a BSc in Social Policy and Sociology. This will be her third year on Debate Committee and she is excited to make sure that this year is the most active, inclusive and successful one yet! Despite the stereotype you might have of someone who spends most of their weekends arguing for fun, her other favourite things include long walks on the beach, chocolate cake and puppies. Feel free to get in touch with her with any questions, concerns or suggestions you might have about Debate Committee this year (or if you just feel like a chat!). The only thing you definitely shouldn't ask for her help with is directions.
Josh Freeman - Vice President
Josh, from Sussex, is a 3rd year student studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Aside from debating, he has spent his time at LSE as President of a sports club and he also founded LSE's quiz society last year. As a member of LSE Debate, he has graduated from social secretary and is now Vice President. However, he notes that his position as Vice President isn't quite as prestigious as his official title of "One Half of the Cutest Couple in LSE Debating". In the long term, he aspires to be a diplomat and enjoys playing classical music.
Keshav Arvind - Treasurer
Keshav is treasurer of the LSESU Debate Society for the 2018/19 academic year. He is a first year Philosophy, Politics and Economics student from Edinburgh. Keshav has been debating for 8 years now having done the activity throughout high school. As well as debating for LSE Keshav is also a mentor for Debate Mate, a charity that teaches children from underprivileged backgrounds how to debate. Despite being from Scotland, we are yet to convince him to wear a kilt to a debating competition.
Josh Ashworth - Training Officer
Josh is a first year History student from Pimlico. In the future, he would like to work in the foreign office to help develop ties between the UK and the rest of the world (in spite of Brexit!) and to support British people globally. He, like Keshav, works with the charity Debate Mate to teach debating in areas of social deprivation. Josh is one of our most dedicated members, even joining in with running a marathon race across London to make sure he was on time for a debate event at LSE!
Hamza Tariq Chaudhry - Training Officer
Hamza is an IR student from Pakistan (which he never mentions.) Before coming to LSE he spent a year working in a think tank in DC (which, again, he never mentions.) His main accomplishment in debating was losing a Semi-Final at the World Championships with a stunning 7-0 whils representing his country on the national schools team (he doesn't mention this either.) He has managed to win an impressive three tournaments so far this year ('ve guessed it...) Feel free to ask him about any of these things which he *definitely* won't bring up by himself!
Theresa Yung - Publicity Officer
Theresa is a second year student from Hong Kong studying BSc International Relations. She only started debating in the second year of university but has been involved in the society and various tournaments ever since, serving as Undergraduate Representative last year and as Publicity Officer in the coming one. As well as these official positions, she is the unofficial mother of LSE debating as her Sunday night dinner parties are the key to survival for the many debaters who have not yet learned to cook. Outside of debate, she is also the President of the Amnesty International Society at the LSE. She hopes to work in international politics and organisations in the future, using the skills she has learned from debate to speak up for those who cannot and advocate for issues that matter.
Ella Holmes - Outreach and Inclusions Officer
Ella is from Shrewsbury and is studying for a BSc in Government. She enjoys debating so much that in the future she hopes to work within politics and Parliament in various capacities so she can keep on arguing with people! Ella is an impressive speaker and judge, however none of this talent rivals her true skill: moving a rich tea biscuit from her forehead to her mouth without using her hands. Just facial expressions..
Eoin McCorkindale - SU Liaison Officer
Eoin is an Economics student from Northern Ireland. He is an aspiring academic, with personal interests in literature, music and poetry. Eoin's proudest achievement this year was entering a debating competition to win an internship, losing, then getting the internship anyway. He isn't sure if the moral of this story is that he was always too good for the competition, or whether debating might just be a slight waste of his time.
Razzaq Fazail - Non-Portfolio Officer
Razzaq is a final Year student reading Philosophy and Economics. Previously the society’s treasurer, he’s move on to a more strategic role, offering insights on various operations within the society. What he won't tell you is that most of these "insights" involve how to look good on Instagram, which hairstyle suits him best and where the closest mirror is from any given spot on campus. As a debater, he made the World Octo-finals, and was part of Malaysia’s National Team. Outside of LSE Debating Society, Razzaq is involved in hockey where he is acting as outreach officer.