How do I become a member?
You can become a member by signing up on the LSE Student Union Website here: http://www.lsesu.com/activities/societies/society/debate/
When are trainings?
Every Thursday at 6.30pm. Our training officers will run a workshop of roughly an hour long (with different topics every week!) and this will be followed by a debate in which everyone will have the chance to speak or judge.
Where are the trainings?
The trainings are usually in Lincoln's Inn.
We will post the location of the trainings on this website, Facebook, and via email to all our members.
Do I have to have debated before?
There are no pre-requisites to joining the society. We welcome beginners, intermediates, and proficient debaters!
Can I participate in tournaments?
Yes! We encourage debaters of all levels to sign up on the form available via email or on Facebook.
Do I have to come every week?
There is no obligation to show up every week- we do not roll-call! On the other hand, there is a certain truth in the old saying that practice makes perfect!
Does the debate society organise good social events?
You won’t believe it till you see it, so show up at one of our socials! Karaoke evening at the LSE Open, house parties, and especially cosy trips to the pub after training.
What is our style of debate?
British Parliamentary.
Where do we compete?
All over! We run internal competitions, attend weekly tournaments at other British universities, as well as European ones (Paris IV, Amsterdam IV). We send teams to the two biggest tournaments in the world - the World Universities’ Debating Championship (WUDC) and the European Universities' Debating Championship (EUDC)
How can I contact the Society?
-Do not hesitate to contact the society for general information or any other questions you may have at lsedebate[at]gmail.com
-You can also like us on Facebook, or for regular updates from October onwards, follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/lsedebating