MT Week 2 Update
Thanks to everyone who attended an LSE Debate Event this week.

We had a full house for our first novice training, and thanks to everyone who came to novice training. If you have any more questions all our training materials are on this LSE Blog and will updated every year. If you have any more questions do check out this comprehensive guide from the Cambridge union. We will be holding a training session at the same time next Tuesday. Join our Facebook Event here.
We also held a great session on Thursday for our advanced debaters, we saw the return of our Alumni Daniel Bramble who spoke about engagement and points of information. We are holding another session this week where Gavin O'Leary is coming in for the advanced session.
Thank you to all those who attended trials for UCL President's cup, the turnout and standard were both high. Congratulations to all our teams, but a special mention to the semi-finalists LSE Corbyn (Ciara and James) and the two finalist teams LSE May (Clara and Eunice), and LSE Vacant (Razzaq and Aaron). LSE Vacant lost out on the title on a tight 4-3 split. The biggest congratulations goes to LSE Sturgeon (Eno and Nicky) for winning in the non-schools category. This is the first time in memory that LSE have won this title.
We will update the blog once the tab is realised - but another congratulations to Ciara and Razzaq for being joint top speaker.
Next Tuesday - 18th October - LSE will be holding its MT elections. There will be several positions open on the committee. We will be elected a social secretary, and several first-year and post-grad representatives. There are lots of chances to take on additional responsibility when on the committee - including convening competitions and corporate relations, and we encourage as many people as possible to stand. Please talk to or message Hannah, Jamie, Sarah or Ying Ying for advice about the process of being a representative.
There are photos from the week below:
UCL President's Cup:

From Semi-final two:
From the Final:

From Semi-Final One:

We had a full house for our first novice training, and thanks to everyone who came to novice training. If you have any more questions all our training materials are on this LSE Blog and will updated every year. If you have any more questions do check out this comprehensive guide from the Cambridge union. We will be holding a training session at the same time next Tuesday. Join our Facebook Event here.
We also held a great session on Thursday for our advanced debaters, we saw the return of our Alumni Daniel Bramble who spoke about engagement and points of information. We are holding another session this week where Gavin O'Leary is coming in for the advanced session.
Thank you to all those who attended trials for UCL President's cup, the turnout and standard were both high. Congratulations to all our teams, but a special mention to the semi-finalists LSE Corbyn (Ciara and James) and the two finalist teams LSE May (Clara and Eunice), and LSE Vacant (Razzaq and Aaron). LSE Vacant lost out on the title on a tight 4-3 split. The biggest congratulations goes to LSE Sturgeon (Eno and Nicky) for winning in the non-schools category. This is the first time in memory that LSE have won this title.
We will update the blog once the tab is realised - but another congratulations to Ciara and Razzaq for being joint top speaker.
Next Tuesday - 18th October - LSE will be holding its MT elections. There will be several positions open on the committee. We will be elected a social secretary, and several first-year and post-grad representatives. There are lots of chances to take on additional responsibility when on the committee - including convening competitions and corporate relations, and we encourage as many people as possible to stand. Please talk to or message Hannah, Jamie, Sarah or Ying Ying for advice about the process of being a representative.
There are photos from the week below:
UCL President's Cup:
From Semi-final two:
From the Final: