Lent Term 2014: Week 6

1.    LSE Open 2014
We have hosted our largest tournament of the year during the weekend, from Friday 14 to the Sunday 16 February. First of all, a big thank you to all of our volunteers, crash hosts and judges who devoted their weekend at LSE Open, making sure that the event runs smoothly and our participants enjoy their time during the tournament. It was a real team effort and we are very proud as a society! Congratulations and a massive pat on the back for the conveners Lipei and Amir for all their hard work in leading a successful tournament this year! It was an opportunity to meet many debaters from overseas circuits and observe very high quality debates on many interesting and contentious issues.

2.    Training Sessions
The weekly Tuesday and Thursday training sessions were held as usual and it was good to see some new faces too! On Thursday, our WUDC speaker Daniel Bramble delivered a comprehensive session on British Politics, followed by an interesting practice debate. There’s more to come! Our committee members, experienced debaters and alumni will be delivering the Thursday experienced training sessions on topical issues of their expertise so come and join us for some interesting insights and opinions on various issues!

3.    Tournament Sign Up

Sign up to attend Nottingham Open and Leeds IV. Sign up form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rnCzzhpqSsxFfLdhtbc7sGEwIhBBkLZtfhmwedm_TAk/viewform

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