Lent Term 2014: Week 1

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a great Winter Break and ready to tuck into more debating this term!

Here are some updates from the first week and exciting events lined up for Lent Term:

1.    WUDC Updates
2.    Thursday Welcome Back Social
3.    London IV
4.    LSE Open
5.    Sign-ups for Lent Term tournaments

1.    WUDC Updates
During the winter break, Abel Lam, Daniel Bramble, Elisabeth van Lieshout and Daniel Berman represented LSE at the WUDC Chennai. Congratulations to Elisabeth and Daniel Berman for breaking 12th to the Octo-Finals! Our Worlds teams have done us proud with amazing performance throughout the championship.

2.    Thursday Welcome Back Social
We’ve kick-started the term with a big welcome bash! It was good to see many of our existing members and a lot of new faces. Lots of free drinks, good chats and intense balloon debating competition with much laughs! It was a great prelude to more exciting society-wide socials and events to come. Stay tuned to our Facebook and Twitter updates for information on our future events, to join us for lots of fun!

3.    London IV
On Saturday, 18 January, we held our annual pro-am tournament. We had participation from many experienced and starting debaters across UK and international circuits. It was great to see so many of our members come down to support our convening team by signing up as judges and volunteering throughout the day. Thanks for the great team spirit, as always! Our conveners Jieun and Akbar very much appreciated all the enthusiasm and commitment that filled the day and contributed to a smooth running and enjoyable tournament!

4.    LSE Open 2014
Mark your calendars! On 15-16 February, we will be hosting our flagship tournament of the year: LSE Open. This is the biggest tournament that we host which brings in some of the best debaters in the world! We appreciate all the help we can get from members who can come down to do running and judging. Also, as LSE Open brings in many international teams, many of them need a place to stay during the tournament. Traditionally, our members have hosted the teams in their homes and have given them a place to crash for the weekend. We encourage any member who is able to host one or a few people to sign up as a crash host. This is a great opportunity to show the Debate Society’s hospitality and return the favour to the institutions that offer crash to our own debaters at outside competitions. Like always, we reward our volunteers with free dinner and drinks in addition to two great socials during the weekend!
Sign up to judge here:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gqx47hEHzfu4_RACpIpKlS8hmhXnd3ZPP-twvZLbZAA/viewform
Sign up as a crash host here:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15opwuWxEYyQXGz1LuOn6L5nDMMzQ_Ba5sAlO_AppoAU/viewform
If you want to help out with running and other tasks, please email us at lseopen2014@gmail.com

5.    Sign-ups for Lent term tournament
Sign-ups are open for Lent term tournaments are up. If you are interested in attending Trinity IV and York IV, do so by Thursday,12:00 PM.

 Have a great week!

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