Lent Term- Week 3 Update

Dear Debaters, A warm welcome to week 3!

There are 6 important updates for our members this week.
1) Tournament Sign-Ups
2) LSE Open 2013
3) Lord of the Rings Cup
4) Valentine's Day Cup
5) Novice Training
6) Experienced Training

 1. Tournament Sign-Ups 
 To start off, the Society wants to stress that there are plenty of external tournaments for members to participate in this term! A complete list, including information of when each is happening, can be found here: http://www.lsedebate.org/2013/01/lent-term-tournament-registration.html

The Warwick IV (happening on 2 and 3 Feb) has recently been added to the list. Please register by Wednesday evening at the above link if you are keen to participate. The tournament promises an excellent adjudication core. Travel costs will have to be covered by participants themselves. The society will take care of registration fees and accommodation (aka 'crash'). For more information about the tournament, please refer to the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/218443668290267/?fref=ts

Unfortunately, the registration for the Inner Temple IV has now closed. However, we are still looking for judges. If you are interested, please email the committee at lsedebate@gmail.com as soon as possible. More information about the Inner Temple IV (happening on 1 and 2 Feb) can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/516831748337312/?fref=ts

 2. LSE Open 2013 
The LSE Open is the society's premier tournament, which attracts participants of outstanding calibre from the UK as well as abroad. Our chief adjudicator for this year is Jonathan Leader Maynard, CA of the 2015 Malaysian Worlds, two-time grand finalist of WUDC, champion and best speaker of EUDC, and former LSE Open Champion. Our DCAs are Christine Simpson and Leela Koenig. More information about the tournament, together with the publicity video, can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/522231484472774/?fref=ts

This year's LSE Open is taking place on 16 and 17 February. We are looking for people willing to host international teams by providing them with accommodation (aka 'crash'). Most participants who require crash will arrive on the evening of the 15th, which is also when our first social will be held (more details about this to be released soon). If anyone is keen to host these teams, please register your interest here: http://www.lsedebate.org/2013/01/lse-open-crash.html
 Other societies have frequently hosted our debaters in the past, so we seek to extend the same generosity to them and ask for your help in doing so. All crash hosts will be invited to the nightly socials and entered into a raffle where the lucky winner will receive a great prize from our convenors.

3. Lord of the Rings Cup 
Third on the list is an internal debate cup that is in line with the recent release of The Hobbit... Yes! Believe it or not, the LSE Debate Society is hosting its inaugural Lord of the Rings Cup! Motions will be based on the trilogy and the debates promise to be highly entertaining, especially if you're a LOTR fan. This will be taking place on Tuesday, 5 February at 6:30pm. Bonus points will be awarded if participants show up dressed according to the theme! In addition, the winners stand to walk away with exciting movie memorabilia. Sign-ups can be done here: http://www.lsedebate.org/p/sign-ups.html (Scroll all the way down!)

Whether you love Tolkien or just can't wait to see our very own Kenan
dressed up as the Hobbit- come along on the 5th February!

 4. Valentine's Day Cup 
 Back by popular demand, the Valentine's Day Cup is the perfect chance for you to pair up with that special someone and show them how much you care (by evenly distributing your substantive points and maybe even sharing a rebuttal or two). Either bring your current significant other or allow us to pair you up with a highly compatible potential mate (based on our -almost- perfect matchmaking algorithm). All non-debaters are welcome; no prior debating experience is necessary! At the same time, you'll be doing a good deed because all proceeds will go to charity. This year's Valentine's Day Cup will be held on Tuesday, 12 February at 6:30pm. Participants can expect quirky motions based on the themes of romance, relationships and matters of the heart! The winners stand to walk away with attractive prizes. To sign-up, please do so here: http://www.lsedebate.org/p/sign-ups.html

Can't afford to buy your girlfriend a trip to NY for Valentine's Day? 
Invite her to the Valentine's Cup instead!
 5. Novice Training
 As usual, this week's novice training will be taking place on Tuesday, 29 January at 6:30pm in CLM1.01. Jon Kay will be giving an introductory talk on basic arguments and concepts which frequently surface in British Parliamentary debates, e.g. the harm principle, paternalism, state neutrality etc. There will be a practice debate followed by a quick visit to the pub. Everyone is welcome to attend!

 6. Experienced Training 
 Experienced training is taking place on Thursday, 31 January at 6:30pm in CLM1.01. There will be a practice debate, feedback followed by a visit to the pub. Everyone, including novices, is welcome to attend and either watch or participate in the debate. Have a great week ahead! LSE Debate

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