Lent Term Week 1 Update
Hi everyone,
Welcome back! Lent Term promises to be an even more exciting, event-filled term for the debate society. Several important updates to kickstart the term:
- Lent Term Schedule
- London IV 2013
- 5-Pints Debate
- Political Societies' Debate
1. Lent Term Schedule
Here are several key things to look out for this term, so mark your calendars! We will be sending out more information about each tournament nearing the date(s).
January 2013
13 Jan: Regent's College IV
15 Jan: 5-Pints Debate at LSE (CON2.05, 7.00pm)***
17 Jan: LSE SU Consoc, Lib Dem and Debate Society political debate (CON1.04, 6:30pm)***
19 Jan: London IV***
25 Jan: Trinity IV
February 2013
1, 2 Feb: Inner Temple IV
2, 3 Feb: Warwick IV
9 Feb: Cardiff IV
16 Feb: LSE Open
23 Feb: Manchester IV
March 2013
2 March: Nottingham Open, UCL Schools
9 March: Southampton IV
16 March: UCL Open
17 March: Royal Holloway
23 March: Exeter Open
30 March: Kent IV
April 2013
27 April: Aberystwyth Open
2. London IV 2013
The London IV 2013 is an external novice tournament organised by the LSE SU Debate Society, featuring 5 minute speeches and a straight break to finals. This year, the tournament will be taking place on Saturday, 19 January 2013. More information can be found on our website http://london-iv.lsedebate.org and Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/506220289408279/?fref=ts
We strongly encourage all members to sign up as judges. It promises to be an excellent opportunity to watch some entertaining debates, meet participants from all across London and enhance your understanding of a debate as a whole. Please do not worry if you have never judged a debate before, because you will be assigned to rooms with more experienced judges, who can guide you along. This is also a great chance to get more involved with the Debate Society and meet other members. Registration for judges can be done on: http://london-iv.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/sign-up-for-judges.html
We look forward to seeing you there!
3. 5-Pints Debate
As a way of marking the start of the new term, we will be having a lively debate social this coming Tuesday (15 Jan) in CON2.05 at 7pm. Just in case the main door to Connaught House isn't open, please make use of the connecting passageway between the Old Building and Connaught House. This can be accessed via the second floor of the Old Building. The 5-Pints Debate is a hilarious spectacle, which involves the debaters and judges polishing off 5 pints of beer (or hard liquor of comparable potency!) prior to the start of the debate and then attempting to deliver semi-coherent cases. It's usually a bunch of laughs. We welcome all members, especially our novices and new members. There will be debaters from other London universities taking part in this debate as well, so it should be double the fun!
4. Political Societies' Debate
This Thursday (17 Jan), several members of the Debate Society will be debating against members of the Conservative Society and Liberal Democrats on a motion about the European Union. We encourage all members to watch this public debate which will be happening at CON1.04 at 6:30pm.
Enjoy the remaining weekend and see you all soon!